Harvestables: Apple, Basil, Lily, Onion, Pear, Snapdragon, Strawberry.Harvestables: Apple, Bluebell, Lily, Mushroom, Pear, Rose, Snapdragon, Strawberry.Amenities: Bench x13, Chess table x2, Fishing spot x3, Grill x2, Picnic table x2, Pirate gym x1, Public restroom x1, Trashcan x4.Community Areas: Community Garden (Planters x7).Harvestables: Mushroom, Onion, Rose, Snapdragon, Strawberry.Amenities: Bench x10, Fishing spot x4, Grill x4, Picnic table x4, Trashcan x10.Harvestables: Apple, Bluebell, Chrysanthemum, Mushroom, Potato, Snapdragon, Strawberry.Community Areas: Community Garden (Planter x4) and Sylvan Glade (hidden).This set of maps and charts provides information about the 16 lots and 13 premade houses in the four residential neighborhoods of Willow Creek:įoundry Cove (5 lots), Courtyard Lane (5 lots), Pendula View (4 lots) and Sage Estates (2 lots). Sims 4 Neighborhood Maps: Willow Creek Edition If you see something wrong, please let me know and I'll fix it. (2) I may have mistyped a numeric value, overlooked a harvestable, or made some other error.
(1) Information on amenities and harvestables only refer to the neighborhood at large, not those within any community venues in that neighborhood.įor example, “Harvestables” listed for the Foundry Cove neighborhood excludes those available in the hidden Sylvan Glades area. It offers offers links to most of the Resident Info and Lot Info threads for the individual neighborhoods of Sims 4. Note: MrsFlynn has compiled a Town and Townies Information thread. For the sake of convenience (both mine and yours), I'm combining all of the maps I've created so far into a single thread.Ī single indexed thread will speed up and simplify our process of choosing a lot to place a residence or other lot type.